A Special Island Tribute to Tom Mc Sweeney A buffet will be held in Club Cléire, Cape Clear Island on Friday 5th March, St Ciaran’s Day starting at 8.00pm to honor RTE Marine Correspondent Tom Mc Sweeney on his retirement. Fellow Islanders and members of West Cork's seafaring communities are also invited to attend. The buffet will cost €5 per person and overnight accommodation is available at a special rate of €30 p.p at 028-39119 ( Co Op Office) Ferries ( Dún Aengus) from Baltimore at 5 & 7 pm need to be pre-booked at 028-39159 or 086-3465110 www.cailinoir.com Weather permitting Ócáid Oileánda in omós Tom Mc Sweeney Reachtálfear buffet i gClub Cléire, Oileán Chléire ar an Aoine 5 Márta, Lá le Ciarán ag tosú ag 8.00 pm in onóir Tom Mc Sweeney, comfhreagraí mara RTE atá le scor go luath. Tugtar cuireadh do Oileánaigh eile móide áitreoirí pobail chósta Iarthair Chorcaí a bheith i láthair chomh maith. Cosnóidh an buffet €5 an duine