See schedule changes over the Christmas Season. Intending passengers for the 24.12.10 and 31.12.10 are asked to reserve tickets online or to make reservations to ensure adequate space for all. Additional sailings will be provided if required and this may necessitate schedule changes on the day which shall be disseminated through the text service. Féach athruithe i sceidail na Nollaig. Iarrtar ar phaisinéirí atá ag beartú taisteal ar an 24.12.10 agus an 31.12.10 ticéid a cheannach ar an Idirlín nó teagmháil linn roimhré d'fhonn freastal ar éilimh agus d'fheadfaí na sceidail ar an laethanta sin a athrú dá réir. Scaipfear eolas faoin aon athrú tríd an córas téacs.