Cailín Óir Ferry and Cruise Service confirm that the Tranquility departed Galway early this morning, Wednesday 22.12.10 en route for Baltimore and all things going well is expected in Baltimore during the afternoon of tomorrow Thursday 23.12.10. It is planned to keep her in Baltimore over Christmas or until she is inspected by the Department of Marine Surveyor prior to having her plying limits changed. The Department of Communty, Rural, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs confirmed yesterday that the 16 day 'cooling off' period has elapsed and that the company has been awarded an 8 year contract starting from 1 February 2011, the present Interim arrangement having been extended for a furthermonth to the end of January next. The Company will shortly update the timetable for January on its website and will make arrangements to hold a public meeting on the Island during January. Meanwhile the Company wishes all its customers and stakeholders a happy and peaceful Christmas.