Our Fastnet Rock Tour brochure was shortlisted for the 2012 International Best Brochure Competition. With a shortlist of 68 from a field of 19,000 this is a commendable achievement. While it did not win a top prize being shortlisted in these circumstances is nevertheless an outstanding achievement. We appreciate the design strengths of the Glance Promotions Team who have been our service providers in this area since our company was first established. Is cúis áthais dúinn gur ainmníodh an bhilleog eolais atá foilsithe againn do Thuras an Charraig Aonair i gComórtas Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh bróisiuir 2012. Cé nár ghnothaigh sé príomh duais ní raibh ach 68 ainmnuchán as 19,000 iarrthóir agus is mór an chúis bróid dúinn an ghradam seo a bhaint amach. Tréaslímíd le Glance Promotions atá ag obair linn sa réimse seo ó bunaíodh an comhlacht.