Following the loss of our various cargo boxes during the recent storm we are glad that we have been able to arrange the purchase of the cargo boxes used in the previous service as this will facilitate a return to full normal service to our customers sooner than would otherwise be the case. Both boxes will require some refurbishment before being put into service again and we show the main cargo box with the panels removed. It seems that earlier reports about the new slip being largely undamaged proved over optimistic and damage has indeed occurred due to underscoring by extreme wave action. While it is too early to say and will clearly require expert opinion we hope that the setback may be relatively minor in the overall context of the project and that the damage can be made good. We remind customers as stated in our sailing update that the North or Fishing Pier will be used for some weeks to come in Baltimore instead of the normal ferry pier and that for the months of January and February that there shall be one sailing only on Wednesdays.