Water was restored to the entire Island at approximately 9.00 a.m. today Thursday 14th August 2014, it is expected to remain on until approximately 7.00pm this evening. IW/CCC would encourage everybody to be extra vigilant and conservative in their water usage especially approaching an expected busy weekend. In relation to tankering from the mainland it has resumed at 2.30pm today, the approximate delivery is 30000 litres and a portion of this delivery will again be left on the tanker located at South Harbour. IW/CCC wish to state that due to the service being restored for longer periods each day that use of the tankers(I.B.C’s) should only be required outside of the normal service times and again boiling of the water is essential when obtaining water from any tanker provided.”
Meanwhile Mecon water savers have been fitted to the cisterns in the public toilets at the Club and these will also be available for sale from the Co op to members of the community at a modest cost.