Cape Clear promises to be a hive of activity for the weekend of 16-18 September next. Friday 16th sees the annual ‘Culture Evening’ in Club Cléire kicking off at 8pm and the Island musicians will be joined by a number of visiting guest musicians for an impromptu evening of song, dance and music with plenty of audience participation. On Saturday 17th from 11.30am to 4.30pm there will be various events as part of the Taste of West Cork Festival including a guided walk by archaeologist Diarmuid Ó Drisceoil, Bird Warden Sam Baley and Ecologist, Geoff Olive. This will be followed by the option of walking to Mara Cléire Farm for tea and scones and later the Heritage Center or taking a bus. The finale will be a delicious Sorrel Soup with kelp bread, followed by Carrigeen moss and blackberry coulis pudding. Price only €25 ( not including ferry). On Sunday, weather permitting we shall operate a Fastnet Trip at 1pm, weather permitting. No better time for a weekend break on our beautiful Island.