St Ciarán’s Weekend marks an auspicious milestone towards a great future for Oileán Cléire.
Cape Clear Islanders enjoyed a stormy but action packed St Ciarán’s Festival this year. Commencing on Saturday 4th, Fr Peter Quelly performed the traditional blessing of the boats. Later that evening an audience gathered to hear Jack Healy perform the stories of JB Keane in Club Cléire and this was followed by the Island musicians. Sunday Mass at 10 am was held in a howling gale but the worst soon abated. At 3pm a crowd gathered again in Club Cléire for a buffet meal and again the local musicians assembled to provide the best of music.
For others there was more to do because renowned designer Terry Green accompanied by his wife Roisín joined us for the weekend. Terry has been commissioned to do the branding for our distillery and the auspicious day of our Patron Saint, 5th March was chosen for the first unveiling of his work to the group who have been working on this aspect of the great project.
The results were instant, visceral and electric, all felt that Terry has indeed captured the true spirit of Oileán Cléire and that his work is outstanding and that we now have great brands for the great products to come. For the time being, however, we cannot share these images with the wider world until they are properly protected by trademarks etc.
Go raibh mile maith agat Terry for your fabulous work and to all who contributed their imagination, their conceptual skills and their passion to the work in progress. Ní neart go cur le céile.